Friday 20 December 2013

Midnight Musings: "I can't wait..." vs. "I look forward too..."

As of late I've been comforting myself during these cold, dark winter months with thoughts of what I will (hopefully) be doing next year; this has resulted in endless conversations beginning with, "I wish I was in (insert anywhere but London)..." and "I can't wait to...". Whilst it's wonderful to have something to look forward to and these small things can help boost our morale, it can be harmful and destructive to become so consumed with planning the future that we forget to enjoy the here and now. Let me repeat: it can be harmful and destructive to become so consumed with planning the future that we forget to enjoy the here and now.

I caught myself typing, "I can't wait to..." before I deleted the words and replaced them with a much more fitting, "I look forward to...." At that moment I realised just how damaging this mindset had the potential to be; the truth is I love my life at present, I enjoy what I do and I am blessed to have amazing people around me. Whilst I have every reason to believe that the future will be even better, it's important for me to enjoy the journey.

So next time you find yourselves placing too much emphasis on the future and indulging in escapism, take the time to stop, think and reconsider just how much you have to be grateful for and embrace the now!

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